I suppose if we couldn’t laugh at things that don’t make sense, we couldn’t react to a lot of life.
Bill WattersonLearning Undirected Graphical Models
06 September 2020
Undirected graphical models formed a large part of the initial push for machine intelligence, and remain relevant today. Here, I motivate and derive Monte Carlo-based learning algorithms for such models.
115 August 2020
We motivate and derive the generalized backpropagation algorithm for arbitrarily structured networks.
2Grokking Fully Convolutional Networks
16 August 2020
We discuss the fundamental ideas behind fully convolutional networks, including the transformation of fully connected layers to convolutional layers and upsampling via transposed convolutions ("deconvolutions").
3Learning Convolutional Networks
06 July 2020
We motivate and derive the backpropagation learning algorithm for convolutional networks.
405 July 2020
We motivate and derive the backpropagation learning algorithm for feedforward networks.
5On Ken Thompson's "Reflections on Trusting Trust"
01 July 2020
A detailed look at one of my favorite software security papers, and its implications on bootstrapping trust.
6Learning Directed Latent Variable Models
23 June 2020
Directed latent variable models provide a powerful way to represent complex distributions by combining simple ones. However, they often have intractable log-likelihoods, yielding complicated learning algorithms. In this post, we build intuition for these concepts.